Sacred Rituals Made Simple
Jan 31, 2024
I've just returned from a week in the UK and have been reflecting on our trip.
I'm still processing the events of our time in Wales and England (we went for a funeral), but I wanted to share one thing with you right away.
Unlike my previous trips to the UK, the 8-hour time zone difference really had me out of sorts for the first few days this time. Despite going to bed with the sun, I was up all night, fighting sleep in the day, and experiencing intense hunger at strange hours.
I was really wobbly.
I knew creating a small sacred space would help me restore some balance and familiarity in this place away from home.
Using a small cloth napkin to create a dedicated altar space wherever you are can help bring you back to yourself, despite time zone differences or any other challenges you may face.
You can use whatever you like, a candle, a clear glass with water, incense, stones, etc...whatever is going to help you focus.
I just needed a place to center and engage in my daily deck practice.
I take my deck with me wherever I go, and this time I was so grateful to also have a travel candle, incense, and one of my favorite teas with me (it is SO damn difficult to find herbal tea in England!).
Connecting with the Black Goddess Within Oracle deck as a daily practice in a sacred ritual helps to sooth me so that I can access my intuition and insights.
I'm sharing this with you because I realized I have never formally offered our Sacred Essentials Kit to the world!
Elevate Your Daily Deck Practice with our Sacred Essentials Kit!
Are you ready to create an ambiance that transcends the ordinary? The Black Goddess Within Sacred Essentials Kit will help you:
fan the flame of intention, casting a warm glow during your deck practice
immerse yourself in the ethereal scents of our premium incense, and
sip serenity from our magical mug (it really is holds 15 oz, keeps your tea hot, and feels like it was crafted just for your hand!)
The Sacred Essentials Kit is an opportunity to elevate your practice – order yours now!
Each kit comes with a signed Black Goddess Within Oracle Deck plus BGW Mug, Incense, Candle and Tea + Tote. You can also buy a kit without the deck!
Click here to purchase the Sacred Essentials Kit with a signed deck and
Click here to purchase the Kit without a deck.
There are limited kits available....24 to be exact. Don't miss your chance to make every day sacred!
May your cards be insightful, your tea comforting, and your journey truly magical.
Dr G
P.S. We are adjusting much better on our return home. Going to bed soon after the sun does so we can reset our circadian rhythms. And our daily practice continues.
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